Клоун Коко. Назойливая муха

The Tantalizing Fly

Feline Follies

Feline Follies

Out of the Inkwell

Out of the Inkwell

A Smash-Up In China

A Smash-Up In China

Das Ornament des verliebten Herzens

Das Ornament des verliebten Herzens

How Animated Cartoons Are Made

How Animated Cartoons Are Made

The Breath of a Nation

The Breath of a Nation

Le Voyage Abracadabrant

Le Voyage Abracadabrant

Uncle Sam and the Bolsheviki-I.W.W. Rat

Uncle Sam and the Bolsheviki-I.W.W. Rat

Бобби Бампс и гипнотический взгляд

Bobby Bumps and the Hypnotic Eye

Een avontuurtje in 't luchtruim

Een avontuurtje in 't luchtruim