Алберт Петит

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Место рождения: -
  • Фильмы: 23
  • Imdb: Albert Petit

Алберт Петит

Albert Petit

Лучшие фильмы


Месье Верду

Мой слуга Годфри


Восьмая жена Синей Бороды

Юнион Пасифик


Однажды в медовый месяц


1958 Тусовщица Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
1949 Это великое чувство Frenchman (uncredited)
1949 Источник Board Member (uncredited)
1947 Месье Верду Bystander (uncredited)
1946 Обман Well-Wisher at Concert (uncredited)
1946 Гильда Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
1946 Биение сердца Usher at Ball (uncredited)
1946 The Catman of Paris Paris Policeman
1943 Вне подозрений Patron in Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
1942 Однажды в медовый месяц French Waiter (uncredited)
1940 I Take This Woman Waiter (uncredited)
1939 Юнион Пасифик Watercolorist (uncredited)
1938 Восьмая жена Синей Бороды Railway Employee (uncredited)
1938 Bulldog Drummond's Peril Train Official
1937 We Have Our Moments Customs Inspector
1936 Мой слуга Годфри Receptionist (uncredited)
1935 L'homme des Folies Bergère Joseph
1934 Bum Voyage Second Mate (uncredited)
1934 Here Is My Heart Paul's Waiter (uncredited)
1933 Let's Fall in Love Party Guest
1932 Арсен Люпен Party Guest (uncredited)
1931 Men of Chance Magistrate
1931 The Finger Points Casino Patron (uncredited)