Ивор Барнард

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Родился: 13-06-1887
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умер: 30-06-1953 (66 лет)
  • Фильмы: 55
  • Imdb: Ivor Barnard

Ивор Барнард

Ivor Barnard



Лучшие фильмы

39 ступеней

Большие надежды

Оливер Твист

Посрами дьявола


Как важно быть серьезным

Грязная игра

Цезарь и Клеопатра


1953 Посрами дьявола Maj. Jack Ross
1953 Malta Story Old Man
1953 Sea Devils Benson
1952 Как важно быть серьезным Conductor (Uncredited)
1952 Time, Gentlemen, Please! Timothy Crouch
1949 Paper Orchid Eustace Crabb
1949 Пиковая дама Bookseller
1948 Esther Waters John Randall
1948 London Belongs to Me Mr Justice Plymme
1948 Оливер Твист Chairman of the Board
1948 So Evil My Love Mr. Watson
1947 Mrs. Fitzherbert Rev. Burt
1947 So Well Remembered Spivey
1946 Appointment with Crime Jonah Crackle
1946 Большие надежды Mr. Wemmick
1946 What Do We Do Now? Ted Goof
1945 Цезарь и Клеопатра 2nd. Nobleman
1945 Great Day Bailiff
1945 Murder in Reverse? Woody
1945 Совершенно чужие Chemist
1945 The Wicked Lady Clergyman
1944 Don't Take It to Heart Bus Driver
1944 English Without Tears Mr. Quiel
1944 Hotel Reserve P. Molon, chemist
1943 Escape to Danger Henry Waud
1943 The New Lot Photographer
1943 The Silver Fleet Admiral
1943 Undercover Station Master
1941 Quiet Wedding Bass
1941 The Saint's Vacation Emil
1940 Звёзды смотрят вниз Wept
1939 Bees on the Boat-Deck Fletherington
1939 Cheer Boys Cheer Naseby
1939 Пигмалион Sarcastic Bystander
1937 Double Exposures Edward Mather
1937 Secret Lives Baldhead
1937 Буря в стакане воды Watkins
1937 The Mill on the Floss Mr. Moss
1937 Victoria the Great Assassin
1936 The House of the Spaniard Mott
1936 The Man Behind the Mask Hewitt
1935 Foreign Affaires Count
1935 39 ступеней Political Meeting Chairman (uncredited)
1935 The Guv'nor Vagrant
1935 The Price of Wisdom Mr. Pollit
1935 The Village Squire Mr. Worsford
1934 Death at Broadcasting House Joseph Higgins (uncredited)
1934 Love, Life and Laughter Troubetski
1933 Sleeping Car Durande
1933 The Good Companions Eric Tipstead
1933 The Roof Arthur Stannard
1933 The Wandering Jew Castro (Phase IV)
1932 Illegal Albert
1931 Sally in Our Alley Tod Small
1931 Грязная игра Man at Auction (uncredited)