Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs

Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs

Приветствую тебя, приманка

Greetings Bait

Дональд Дак: Дух 1943 года

The Spirit of '43

Благоразумие и эмоция

Reason and Emotion

Зерно, накормившее половину Земли

The Grain That Built a Hemisphere

Подвиг поросенка Порки

Porky Pig's Feat

To Duck.... Or Not to Duck

To Duck.... Or Not to Duck

Поросячья полька

Pigs in a Polka

The Aristo-Cat

The Aristo-Cat

The Mummy Strikes

The Mummy Strikes

The Gold Brick

The Gold Brick

Too Weak to Work

Too Weak to Work

Happy Birthdaze

Happy Birthdaze

One Ham's Family

One Ham's Family

Puss n' Booty

Puss n' Booty

Крикливая утка

The Wise Quacking Duck

Inki and the Minah Bird

Inki and the Minah Bird



Своевременный зуд

An Itch in Time

Flop Goes the Weasel

Flop Goes the Weasel