The Great Sioux Uprising

The Great Sioux Uprising

Засада в Томагавк Гэп

Ambush at Tomahawk Gap

Ride, Vaquero!

Ride, Vaquero!

Thunder Over the Plains

Thunder Over the Plains

Powder River

Powder River

Take Me to Town

Take Me to Town

The Lone Hand

The Lone Hand

Дующий ветер

Blowing Wild

The Vanquished

The Vanquished

Форт Возмездие

Fort Vengeance

Those Redheads from Seattle

Those Redheads from Seattle

Последний из команчей

Last of the Comanches

The Man Behind The Gun

The Man Behind The Gun

The Nebraskan

The Nebraskan

Человек из Аламо

The Man from the Alamo

Captain John Smith and Pocahontas

Captain John Smith and Pocahontas

The Last Posse

The Last Posse

The Homesteaders

The Homesteaders

Savage Frontier

Savage Frontier

Vigilante Terror

Vigilante Terror