Кактус Джек

The Villain

Парень из Сан-Франциско

The Frisco Kid

Ванда Невада

Wanda Nevada

В глубине страны


Электрический всадник

The Electric Horseman

The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again

The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again

Буч и Сандэнс: Ранние дни

Butch and Sundance: The Early Days

Крыло Орла

Eagle's Wing

Mr. Horn

Mr. Horn


Mr. Horn

The Legend of the Golden Gun

The Legend of the Golden Gun

The Wild Wild West Revisited

The Wild Wild West Revisited

The Last Ride of the Dalton Gang

The Last Ride of the Dalton Gang

Up River

Up River


Up River

Союз племени ирокезов


Donovan's Kid

Donovan's Kid

Fuego negro

Fuego negro

Las siete magníficas... y audaces mujeres

Las siete magníficas... y audaces mujeres

She Came To The Valley

She Came To The Valley

El Brazo de Oro

El Brazo de Oro