Последний рейд

The Missing

Открытый простор

Open Range

Шанхайские рыцари

Shanghai Knights

Монти Уолш

Monte Walsh

Любовь приходит тихо

Love Comes Softly

Панчо Вилья

And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself

На том стоим

Hard Ground

The Lone Ranger

The Lone Ranger

Kohtalon kirja

Kohtalon kirja

Gang of Roses

Gang of Roses

Железные дороги Дикого Запада

Early Reins

The Man from Snowy River: Arena Spectacular

The Man from Snowy River: Arena Spectacular





The Long Ride Home

The Long Ride Home

Time Machine: When Cowboys Were King

Time Machine: When Cowboys Were King

Legend of the Phantom Rider

Legend of the Phantom Rider

Dances with Wolves: The Creation of an Epic

Dances with Wolves: The Creation of an Epic

The Ghosts of Edendale

The Ghosts of Edendale

A Bullet in the Arse

A Bullet in the Arse