Кент Мартин

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Место рождения: -
  • Фильмы: 56
  • Imdb: Kent Martin

Кент Мартин

Kent Martin

Лучшие фильмы

Hofmann's Potion: The Pioneers of LSD

The Fairy Faith

In Bed with an Elephant

Words of My Perfect Teacher

The Strangest Dream

The Chocolate Farmer

The Gods of Our Fathers


2017 A Scattering of Stars
2016 Wi'kupaltimk: Feast of Forgiveness
2015 Wayne's Deer
1987 In Bed with an Elephant
1984 In Love and Anger: Milton Acorn - Poet
1976 Empty Harbours, Empty Dreams
1976 Moses Coady
2011 The Chocolate Farmer
2009 The Strangest Dream
2009 Vistas: Red Ochre
2008 The Sacred Sundance: The Transfer of a Ceremony
2007 Blood and Water
2006 Becoming 13
2006 Maq and the Spirit of the Woods
2006 Maq and the Spirit of the Woods
2006 The Sparky Book
2005 My Ancestors Were Rogues and Murderers
2004 Brother 2 Brother
2004 Hospital City
2004 Mabel's Saga
2003 I Made a Vow
2003 Men of the Deeps
2003 The Man Who Studies Murder
2003 Words of My Perfect Teacher
2002 Hofmann's Potion: The Pioneers of LSD
2002 White Thunder
2001 A Sigh and a Wish: Helen Creighton's Maritimes
2001 Salvation
2001 The Voyage of the 7 Girls
2001 Tommy... A Family Portrait
2001 Waging Peace: A Year in the Life of Caledonia Junior High
2000 The Fairy Faith
1999 Loyalties
1999 Why Women Run
1998 Rain, Drizzle, and Fog
1997 One Man's Paradise
1997 Seven Brides for Uncle Sam
1995 Who’s Counting? Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies and Global Economics
1994 The Gods of Our Fathers
1991 Flooding Job's Garden
1989 Pelts: Politics of the Fur Trade
1987 In Bed with an Elephant
1987 In Bed with an Elephant
1986 Riding the Tornado
1986 Shift Change
1985 Canada Vignettes: Mussel Mud
1984 Herbicide Trials
1984 In Love and Anger: Milton Acorn - Poet
2009 The Strangest Dream
1987 In Bed with an Elephant
1976 Moses Coady