Jохн Бецк

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Родился: 07-06-1876
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умер: 01-01-1956 (80 лет)
  • Фильмы: 22
  • Imdb: John Beck

Jохн Бецк

John Beck

Лучшие фильмы

Запомни ночь


High Wall

The Shock


Billy the Kid


Young Tom Edison


1948 Корни Refugee (uncredited)
1947 High Wall Patient (uncredited)
1946 Бедлам Solomon (uncredited)
1941 Bad Men of Missouri Preacher
1941 Robbers of the Range Judge (uncredited)
1941 The Iron Claw Gyves
1940 Запомни ночь Lee's Stepfather (uncredited)
1940 Young Tom Edison Bartender
1937 Island Captives George Carsons
1936 Everyman's Law Ramrod Pike
1936 Hopalong Cassidy Returns Bob Saunders
1936 Valiant Is the Word for Carrie Vigorous Councilman
1934 Spitfire Jake Hawkins
1933 The Intruder Ship's Officer First Mate Hanson
1932 The Man from Arizona Sheriff Hartman
1932 The Wet Parade Mr. Garrison
1931 Branded Men Doctor
1930 Billy the Kid Butterworth
1926 General Custer at the Little Big Horn General George A. Custer
1923 The Shock Bill
1922 When Romance Rides Van
1921 The Cave Girl Rogers