Давй Бурнабй

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Родился: 07-04-1881
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умер: 18-04-1949 (68 лет)
  • Фильмы: 17
  • Imdb: Davy Burnaby

Давй Бурнабй

Davy Burnaby



Лучшие фильмы

Boys Will Be Boys

Давай, Джордж!

Radio Parade of 1935

Dandy Dick

Woman Hater

A Shot in the Dark


1948 Woman Hater Grandfather
1939 Давай, Джордж! Col. Bollinger
1938 Kicking the Moon Around Magistrate
1938 Second Best Bed Lord Kingston
1937 Feather Your Nest Sir Martin
1937 Song of the Road Mr. Keppel
1937 Talking Feet Mr. Shirley
1936 The Marriage of Corbal Pierre
1935 Boys Will Be Boys Col. Crableigh
1935 Dandy Dick Sir William Mardon
1935 Stormy Weather Merritt
1934 Radio Parade of 1935 Sir Frederick Fotheringhay
1933 A Shot in the Dark Col. Michael Browne
1933 Cleaning Up Lord Pumpford
1933 Strike It Rich Humphrey Wells
1933 The Right to Live Sir George Kessler
1933 Three Men in a Boat Sir Henry Harland