Wилфред Ной

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Родился: 24-12-1883
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умер: 29-03-1948 (65 лет)
  • Фильмы: 32
  • Imdb: Wilfred Noy

Wилфред Ной

Wilfred Noy



Лучшие фильмы


Let Us Be Gay

Полуночная девица

The Body Vanished


On the Banks of Allan Water

Полевые лилии

The Flirting Widow


1939 The Body Vanished Cuthbert Snelling
1933 Going Gay Director of Opera Falkenheim
1932 Эмма Drake
1932 The Barton Mystery Griffiths
1931 Transgression Taylor
1930 Let Us Be Gay Whitman - 1st Butler
1930 Полевые лилии Butler
1930 Strictly Unconventional Butler
1930 The Flirting Widow Martin
1929 The Careless Age Lord Durhugh
1929 The Doctor's Secret Mr. Redding
1928 Interference Dr. Gray
1924 Janice Meredith Dr. Joseph Warren
1929 Circumstantial Evidence
1928 The Devil's Cage
1925 Полуночная девица
1923 Little Miss Nobody
1923 The Temptation of Carlton Earle
1920 The Face at the Window
1919 The Lady Clare
1916 On the Banks of Allan Water
1914 The Passions of Men
1913 The House of Mystery
1912 At the Hour of Three
1912 Did'ums Diddles The P'liceman
1912 Dr. Brian Pellie and the Secret Dispatch
1936 Annie Laurie
1935 City of Beautiful Nonsense
1929 Circumstantial Evidence
1929 Circumstantial Evidence
1925 Полуночная девица
1923 Paddy The Next Best Thing