Jамес Робертсон Jустице

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Родился: 15-06-1907
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умер: 02-07-1975 (68 лет)
  • Фильмы: 82
  • Imdb: James Robertson Justice

Jамес Робертсон Jустице

James Robertson Justice



Лучшие фильмы

Пушки острова Наварон

Пиф-паф ой-ой-ой

Моби Дик

В 16.50 из Паддингтона

Воздушные приключения

Три шага в бреду

Виски в изобилии

Капитан Горацио


2000 Sir John Mills' Moving Memories Self (archive footage)
1971 The Massacre of Glencoe MacIain
1970 Доктор в ловушке Sir Lancelot Spratt
1970 Some Will, Some Won't Sir Charles Robson
1969 Дзета один Maj. Bourdon
1968 Пиф-паф ой-ой-ой Lord Scrumptious
1968 Три шага в бреду Countess' Advisor (segment "Metzengerstein")
1968 Майерлинг Prince of Wales
1967 Hell Is Empty Angus McGee
1967 Две недели в сентябре McClintock
1966 Доктор и его медсестры Sir Lancelot Spratt
1966 Lange Beine - lange Finger Sir Hammond
1966 Lucy in London Head of Madame Tussauds' Guides
1966 The Trygon Factor Sir John (voice)
1965 Лицо Фу Манчу Sir Charles
1965 Воздушные приключения Narrator
1965 Up from the Beach British Beachmaster
1965 You Must Be Joking Librarian
1964 Father Came Too! Sir Beverly Grant
1963 Das Feuerschiff Kapitän Freytag
1963 Doctor in Distress Sir Lancelot Spratt
1963 Dr. Crippen Captain McKenzie
1963 Mystery Submarine RAdm. Rainbird
1962 A Pair of Briefs Justice Haddon
1962 Crooks Anonymous Sir Harvey Russelrod
1962 Guns of Darkness Hugo Bryant
1962 Le Repos du guerrier Katov - un sculpteur
1962 Быстрая леди Charles
1961 В 16.50 из Паддингтона Luther Ackenthorpe
1961 Raising the Wind Sir Benjamin Boyd
1961 Пушки острова Наварон Commodore Jensen / Prologue Narrator
1961 Very Important Person Sir Ernest Pease KBE FRS / Lt. Farrow RN
1960 A French Mistress Robert Martin / 'Bow Wow'
1960 Die Botschafterin Robert Morrison
1960 Doctor in Love Sir Lancelot Spratt
1960 Foxhole in Cairo Capt. Robertson
1959 Вверх и вниз по лестнице Mansfield
1958 Orders to Kill Naval Commander
1957 Королевство Кэмпбелла 'Mac' MacDonald
1957 Doctor at Large Sir Lancelot Spratt
1957 Seven Thunders Dr. Martout
1957 The Living Idol Doctor Alfred Stoner
1956 Checkpoint Warren Ingram
1956 Моби Дик Capt. Boomer
1956 Железная нижняя юбка Colonel Vladimir Denisovich Sklarnoff
1955 Волны над нами Admiral Ryder
1955 An Alligator Named Daisy Sir James Colebrook
1955 Доктор на море Capt. Hogg
1955 Land of the Pharaohs Vashtar
1955 Out of the Clouds Captain Brent
1955 Шторм над Нилом General Burroughs
1954 Doctor in the House Sir Lancelot Spratt
1953 Rob Roy, The Highland Rogue Duke Campbell, of Argyll
1953 The Sword and the Rose King Henry VIII
1952 Les Miserables Robert
1952 Miss Robin Hood The MacAlister
1952 The Lady Says No Matthew Huntington Hatch
1952 The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men Little John
1952 The Voice of Merrill Jonathan Roche
1951 Анна - королева пиратов Red Dougal
1951 Blackmailed Mr. Sine
1951 Капитан Горацио Seaman Quist
1951 Давид и Вирсавия Abishai
1951 Pool of London Engine Room Officer Trotter
1950 Моя дочурка Prof. Keval
1950 Prelude to Fame Sir Arthur Harold
1950 Чёрная роза Simeon Beautrie
1950 The Magnet Tramp
1949 Христофор Колумб Martin Alonso Pinzon
1949 Poet's Pub Prof. Benbow
1949 Private Angelo Feste
1949 Stop Press Girl Arthur Peters
1949 Виски в изобилии Dr. Maclaren
1948 Against the Wind Ackerman
1948 My Brother Jonathan Eugene Dakers
1948 Quartet Branksome
1948 Скотт Антарктический P.O. (Taff) Evans R.N.
1948 Vice Versa Dr. Grimstone
1946 Appointment with Crime Prison Governor
1944 Champagne Charlie Patron (uncredited)
1944 Fiddlers Three Centurion of the 8th Legion
1944 For Those in Peril Operations Room Officer