Милла Девенпорт

  • Пол: женщина
  • Родилась: 03-02-1871
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умерла: 17-05-1936 (65 лет)
  • Фильмы: 26
  • Imdb: Milla Davenport

Милла Девенпорт

Milla Davenport

Милла Девенпорт — актриса театра и кино.


Лучшие фильмы

Весело мы катимся в ад

Брачная ночь


Crazy Like a Fox

The Red Lily

The Girl Who Stayed at Home

The Defense Rests

Here Comes Cookie


1936 Human Cargo German
1935 Here Comes Cookie Mrs. Dingledorp
1935 Брачная ночь Grandmother
1934 The Defense Rests Neighbor
1932 Весело мы катимся в ад Prentice's Housekeeper (uncredited)
1929 The Girl from Woolworth's Ma Donnelly
1928 The Danger Rider Housekeeper
1927 Hey! Hey! Cowboy Aunt Jane
1926 Crazy Like a Fox Mother
1926 Crossed Signals Mother Slattery
1926 The Road to Glory Aunt Selma
1925 Dangerous Innocence Stewardess
1924 The Red Lily Madame Poussot
1923 Dulcy Matty
1923 The Christian Matron
1922 The Worldly Madonna Jail Matron
1921 Patsy Matron
1921 Rip Van Winkle Gretchen Van Winkle
1921 The Girl from God's Country Mrs. Kraus
1920 She Couldn't Help It Matron
1920 Stronger Than Death Mrs. Smithers
1920 The Forbidden Woman Luisa
1920 You Never Can Tell Mrs. Jones
1919 Daddy-Long-Legs Mrs. Lippett
1919 The Brat The Brat's Aunt
1918 Social Briars Mrs. Brown