Атол Фугард

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Родился: 11-06-1932
  • Место рождения: -
  • Фильмы: 24
  • Imdb: Athol Fugard

Атол Фугард

Athol Fugard

  • Возраст: 93 года

Атол Фугард — южноафриканский романист, драматург, актер, режиссёр театра и кино.


Лучшие фильмы


Поля смерти


Meetings with Remarkable Men

Мастер Гарольд... и ребята

'Master Harold'... and the Boys

Boesman and Lena

"Master Harold" ...and the Boys


2019 The Space: Theatre of Survival as Self(rumored)
2012 Falls the Shadow: The Life and Times of Athol Fugard Self
1994 In Darkest Hollywood: Cinema and Apartheid Self (archive footage)
1991 The Road to Mecca Rev. Marius Byleveld
1984 Поля смерти Dr. Sundesval
1982 Ганди General Jan Christiaan Smuts
1981 A Sizwe Bansi Workshop Himself
1980 Marigolds in August Paulus Olifant
1979 Meetings with Remarkable Men Professor Skridlov
1977 The Guest: An Episode in the Life of Eugène Marais Eugène Marais
1974 The Public's Right to Know Self
1973 Boesman and Lena Boesman
1991 The Road to Mecca
2020 "Master Harold" ...and the Boys
2010 Мастер Гарольд... и ребята
2005 Цоци
2000 Boesman and Lena
1991 The Road to Mecca
1985 'Master Harold'... and the Boys
1980 Marigolds in August
1977 The Guest: An Episode in the Life of Eugène Marais
1974 Sizwe Bansi is Dead
1973 Boesman and Lena
1968 Mille Miglia