Цхестер Барнетт

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Родился: 29-02-1884
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умер: 22-09-1947 (63 года)
  • Фильмы: 28
  • Imdb: Chester Barnett

Цхестер Барнетт

Chester Barnett



Лучшие фильмы

The Wishing Ring: An Idyll of Old England

How Men Propose


A Girl's Folly



Will Power

The Law of Compensation


1919 Break the News to Mother Dr. Sims
1918 The Challenge Accepted Steve Carey
1918 The Great Adventure Billy Blake
1918 Together Jim Watson
1918 Woman The Fisherman
1917 A Girl's Folly Johnny Applebloom
1917 Over the Hill Allen Stone
1917 The Inevitable Alan Burnham
1917 The Law of Compensation Allen Hayes
1917 The Submarine Eye John Fulton
1916 La Vie de Bohème Marcel
1915 The Little Dutch Girl Jean
1915 The Little Miss Brown Robert Mason
1915 Trilby Billie
1915 What Happened to Jones Richard Heatherly
1914 Man of the Hour Joe Standing
1914 Son Harry Horton, the Son
1914 The Pit Landry
1914 The Ring Mr. Gray
1914 The Wishing Ring: An Idyll of Old England The Earl's Son, Giles
1913 A Night in Town Chester - the Butler
1913 How Men Propose Proposer
1913 Lost in the Night Tom Barry
1913 Pearl As A Clairvoyant Chester
1913 The Eye of a God Detective Byrnes
1913 The Hall-Room Girls Chester
1913 Will Power Chester
1925 The Ancient Mariner