Jай Силверхеелс

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Родился: 26-05-1912
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умер: 05-03-1980 (68 лет)
  • Фильмы: 67
  • Imdb: Jay Silverheels

Jай Силверхеелс

Jay Silverheels



Лучшие фильмы

Сокровища Сьерра Мадре

Настоящее мужество

Риф Ларго

Сломанная стрела

Морской ястреб

Желтое небо

Вестерн Юнион

Жажда золота


2001 Lone Ranger: Lost Episodes Tonto
1973 Один маленький индеец Jimmy Wolf
1973 Santee John Crow
1973 Человек, который любил танцующую кошку The Chief
1971 Cat Ballou Indian Chief
1970 The Phynx Tonto
1969 Smith! McDonald Lasheway
1969 Настоящее мужество Condemned Man at Hanging (uncredited)
1968 The Movie Orgy Tonto (archive footage)
1967 Pistols 'n' Petticoats Great Bear
1965 Indian Paint Chief Hevatanu
1960 Texas John Slaughter: Geronimo's Revenge Natchez
1959 Псевдоним – Джесси Джеймс Tonto (uncredited)
1958 Return to Warbow Indian Joe
1958 Одинокий рейнджер и город золота Tonto
1956 Одинокий рейнджер Tonto
1956 Walk the Proud Land Geronimo
1955 The Vanishing American Beeteia
1954 Drums Across the River Taos
1954 Four Guns to the Border Yaqui
1954 Masterson of Kansas Yellow Hawk
1954 Saskatchewan Cajou
1954 The Black Dakotas Black Buffalo
1953 Jack McCall, Desperado Red Cloud
1953 Последний из команчей Indian (uncredited)
1953 The Nebraskan Spotted Bear
1953 Отряд Стрела Satanta
1952 Brave Warrior Chief Tecumseh
1952 Битва на Перевале Апачей Geronimo
1952 The Half-Breed Apache (uncredited)
1952 The Legend Of The Lone Ranger Tonto
1952 Следопыт Chingachgook
1952 Yankee Buccaneer Lead Warrior
1951 Red Mountain Little Crow
1951 The Wild Blue Yonder Benders
1950 Сломанная стрела Geronimo
1949 Enter the Lone Ranger Tonto
1949 Laramie Running Wolf (uncredited)
1949 Жажда золота Walter
1949 Sand Indian (uncredited)
1949 The Cowboy and the Indians Lakohna
1949 Trail of the Yukon Poleon
1949 Tulsa Creek Indian (uncredited)
1948 Family Honeymoon Elevator Boy (uncredited)
1948 Fury at Furnace Creek Little Dog (uncredited)
1948 Риф Ларго Tom Osceola (uncredited)
1948 Singin' Spurs Abel
1948 The Feathered Serpent Diego (uncredited)
1948 Сокровища Сьерра Мадре Indian Guide at Pier (uncredited)
1948 Желтое небо Indian (uncredited)
1947 Капитан из Кастилии Coatl (uncredited)
1947 Gas House Kids Go West Kingsley's Henchman (uncredited)
1947 The Prairie Running Deer
1944 I Am an American Indian (uncredited)
1944 Lost in a Harem Guard at Execution (uncredited)
1944 Tahiti Nights Lua
1943 Northern Pursuit Indian (uncredited)
1943 The Girl from Monterrey Fighter Tito Flores
1943 The Phantom Astari Warrior (uncredited)
1942 Perils of Nyoka Tuareg
1942 Valley of the Sun Indian
1941 This Woman Is Mine Indian Marauder
1941 Вестерн Юнион Indian
1940 Кит Карсон Indian
1940 Морской ястреб Native Lookout
1940 Слишком много девушек Indian
The Lone Ranger: Who Was That Masked Man Tonto