Цхарлес Гринкер

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Место рождения: -
  • Фильмы: 10
  • Imdb: Charles Grinker

Цхарлес Гринкер

Charles Grinker

Лучшие фильмы

Animals You'll Never Forget

Legends of Comedy - Great Stars of Film and Radio: The Fabulous '40s

Legends in Love

A Portrait of Samson Raphaelson


1994 Animals You'll Never Forget
1989 Legends in Love
1982 A Portrait of Samson Raphaelson
1982 Creativity with Bill Moyers: John Huston
1995 The 100 Funniest Moments of the 20th Century: Slapstick
1995 The 100 Funniest Moments of the 20th Century: The Unexpected
1994 Animals You'll Never Forget
1989 Legends in Love