Еморй Парнелл

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Родился: 28-12-1892
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умер: 22-06-1979 (87 лет)
  • Фильмы: 200
  • Imdb: Emory Parnell

Еморй Парнелл

Emory Parnell



Лучшие фильмы

Мальтийский сокол


Штамм Андромеда


Иностранный корреспондент

Ангелы с грязными лицами

Ревущие двадцатые, или Судьба солдата в Америке

Театральный фургон


1990 Myrna Loy: So Nice to Come Home To (archive footage)
1972 Hot Summer Week Bartender
1971 Штамм Андромеда Pete 'Old Doughboy' Arnold (uncredited)
1965 The Bounty Killer Sam - Bartender
1961 The Two Little Bears Grimshaw Wilkins
1959 Псевдоним – Джесси Джеймс Angel's Rest Sheriff (uncredited)
1958 Человек с запада Henry (uncredited)
1958 The Hot Angel Judd Pfeiffer
1958 The Notorious Mr. Monks Sheriff Cobus Anders
1956 Pardners Col. Hart (uncredited)
1956 So Your Wife Wants to Work Mr. Batten (uncredited)
1956 That Certain Feeling Senator
1956 The Young Guns Padgett
1955 Художники и модели Mr. Kelly (uncredited)
1955 Feathertop Major Whitby
1955 How To Be Very, Very Popular Chief of Police
1955 So You Want to Be a V.P. (uncredited)
1954 Battle of Rogue River Sgt. McClain
1954 Jungle Gents Police Captain
1954 Pride of the Blue Grass Mr. Casey
1954 Сабрина Charles
1954 So You Want to Know Your Relatives Mr. Battan (uncredited)
1954 Длинный, длинный трейлер Policeman (uncredited)
1954 The Rocket Man Big Bill Watkins
1954 Учитель с двумя пистолетами Prof. Kleinberg
1953 Назовите меня Мадам Senator Gallagher
1953 Confidentially Connie Mr. Daveney (uncredited)
1953 Форт Возмездие Patrick Fitzgibbon
1953 Lost in a Turkish Bath A.J. Corbett
1953 Safari Drums Larry Conrad
1953 Shadows of Tombstone Sheriff Webb
1953 So You Want to Learn to Dance George Blivens - Joe's Boss
1953 Sweethearts on Parade Mayor
1953 Театральный фургон Man on Train (uncredited)
1952 Dreamboat Crazy Sam
1952 Gobs and Gals Senator Prentice
1952 Кто-нибудь видел мою девчонку? Policeman (uncredited)
1952 Lost in Alaska Sherman
1952 Ma and Pa Kettle at the Fair Billy Reed
1952 Макао Ship's Captain (uncredited)
1952 Oklahoma Annie Judge Byrnes
1952 Пресловутое ранчо Sheriff (uncredited)
1952 So You Never Tell a Lie Mr. Batten (uncredited)
1952 So You Want to Enjoy Life Joe's Boss (uncredited)
1952 So You Want to Wear the Pants Mr. Batten (uncredited)
1952 The Fabulous Senorita Dean Bradshaw
1952 The McGurk Way Dan McGurk Sr.
1952 When in Rome Ship's Captain
1951 All That I Have Juror Barstow
1951 Footlight Varieties Older Cop
1951 Let's Go Navy! Police Sgt. Mulloy
1951 Ma and Pa Kettle Back on the Farm Billy Reed
1951 My True Story Ed Praskins
1951 Плавучий театр Jake Green (uncredited)
1951 Two of a Kind First Deputy (uncredited)
1950 Chain Gang Capt. Duncan
1950 Ключ от города Council Chairman
1950 Rock Island Trail Sen. Wells
1950 Порадовать женщину Mr. Wendall
1950 Trail of Robin Hood J. Corwin Aldridge
1950 Unmasked 'Pop' Swenson
1949 Секрет женщины Police Lieutenant at Desk
1949 Alaska Patrol Capt. Jan Roburt
1949 Hellfire Sheriff Duffy
1949 Hideout Arnie Anderson
1949 Ma and Pa Kettle Bill Reed
1949 Massacre River Sgt. Johanssen
1949 Rose of the Yukon Tim MacNab
1949 The Beautiful Blonde from Bashful Bend Mr. Hingleman
1948 Assigned to Danger Sheriff (uncredited)
1948 Blonde Ice Police Capt. Bill Murdock
1948 Disaster Father Mulvaney (uncredited)
1948 Here Comes Trouble Winfield 'Windy' Blake
1948 Мистер Блэндингз строит дом своей мечты Mr. PeDelford
1948 Strike It Rich Carlton
1948 Summer Holiday Dannville Beach Club Bartender (uncredited)
1948 Песня в сердце Mr. Feiner
1948 You Gotta Stay Happy Bank Watchman
1947 Calendar Girl The Mayor
1947 Gas House Kids Go West Police Sergeat Casey
1947 Stork Bites Man Alan Kimberly
1947 The Guilt of Janet Ames (uncredited)
1947 Violence True Dawson
1946 Abie's Irish Rose Father John Whalen
1946 Abie's Irish Rose Rabbi Jacob Samuels
1946 Badman's Territory Bitter Creek (uncredited)
1946 Colonel Effingham's Raid Joe Alsobrook
1946 Крайний срок – на рассвете Police Captain Bender (uncredited)
1946 Deadline for Murder Masseur
1946 Gallant Journey Car Driver (uncredited)
1946 Little Iodine Mr. Bigdome
1946 Queen of Burlesque Inspector Crowley
1946 Riverboat Rhythm Sheriff Martin
1946 Strange Triangle Barney Shaefer
1946 The Falcon's Alibi Metcalf
1946 The Show-Off Mr. Appelton
1945 Mama Loves Papa O'Leary
1945 Sing Your Way Home Ship's captain
1945 The Big Beef Mr. Bib
1945 The Crime Doctor's Courage Police Captain Birch
1945 Кураж в два часа Insp. Bill Brenner
1945 You Drive Me Crazy Mr. Hinkledorfer
1944 A Night of Adventure Judge
1944 Address Unknown Postman
1944 Andy Hardy's Blonde Trouble Train Conductor (uncredited)
1944 Казанова Браун Frank, the Bell Captain
1944 Feather Your Nest Farmer
1944 Gildersleeve's Ghost Haley
1944 Жили-были Policeman (uncredited)
1944 В седле Sheriff Jackson
1944 The Case of the Tremendous Trifle Wilson
1944 The Falcon in Hollywood Inspector McBride
1944 The Falcon in Mexico James 'Lucky Diamond' Hughes [Script name: Winthrop Hughes]
1944 Чудо в Морганс-Крик Mr. Tuerck
1944 Уилсон Chairman of Democratic Committee (uncredited)
1943 Dangerous Blondes Officer McGuire (uncredited)
1943 Дюбарри была дамой Gatekeeper
1943 Government Girl The Chief (uncredited)
1943 London Blackout Murders Henryk Peterson (uncredited)
1943 Миссия в Москву Uncaring Businessman (uncredited)
1943 Мистер Счастливчик Dock Watchman (uncredited)
1943 Nazty Nuisance Capt. Spense
1943 Slightly Dangerous Policeman at newspaper office (uncredited)
1943 The Hard Way Policeman at Hospital (Uncredited)
1943 Вне закона Dolan (uncredited)
1943 The Unknown Guest Sheriff Dave Larsen
1943 Two Señoritas from Chicago Rupert Shannon
1943 Young Ideas Judge Canute J. Kelly
1942 На протяжении всей ночи Cop Outside Warehouse (uncredited)
1942 Apache Trail Mr. Walters (uncredited)
1942 Арабские ночи Harem Sentry
1942 Cadets on Parade Inspector Kennedy
1942 Джентльмен Джим Dennis Simmons (uncredited)
1942 Highways by Night Police Sergeant Ransome
1942 Я женился на ведьме Allen - Hotel Owner (uncredited)
1942 Мошенничество и Ко O'Casey
1942 Night in New Orleans Jensen (Uncredited)
1942 Obliging Young Lady Motorcycle Policeman Behind Billboard (uncredited)
1942 Однажды в медовый месяц Quisling (uncredited)
1942 Over My Dead Body Police Capt. Grady
1942 Диверсант Henry - Husband in Movie (uncredited)
1942 Майор и малютка Conductor #2 (uncredited)
1942 Гордость янки Chicago Policeman O'Doul (uncredited)
1942 The Remarkable Andrew Policeman
1942 They All Kissed the Bride Mahoney
1942 Two Yanks in Trinidad Police Chief (uncredited)
1941 A Shot in the Dark Marsotti
1941 All the World's a Stooge Ajax Bullion
1941 Blossoms in the Dust Senator
1941 Джонни Игер Policeman Telling Eager to Move His Taxicab (uncredited)
1941 Louisiana Purchase Sam Horowitz, Lawyer
1941 Так кончается наша ночь Weiss
1941 The Blonde from Singapore Capt. Nelson
1941 The Case of the Black Parrot Simmonds
1941 The Lady from Cheyenne Crowley
1941 Мальтийский сокол Ship's Mate (uncredited)
1941 The Monster and the Girl Policeman in Alley
1941 Three Sons o' Guns Man Delivering Radio
1941 Нечестные партнеры Colonel Mason
1940 Линкольн в Иллинойсе Minor Role (uncredited)
1940 Blondie on a Budget Policeman Dempsey (uncredited)
1940 Иностранный корреспондент 'Mohican' Captain
1940 Северо-западная конная полиция George Higgins
1940 Out West with the Peppers Ole
1940 Незнакомец на третьем этаже Grilling Detective in Dream Sequence (uncredited)
1940 The Devil's Pipeline R.J. Adams
1940 The Golden Fleecing Featherway (uncredited)
1940 Великий МакГинти Policeman at Soup Kitchen (uncredited)
1940 Young Tom Edison Bob
1939 В цирке Ringmaster (uncredited)
1939 East Side of Heaven Doorman (uncredited)
1939 I Stole a Million Cop at Flower Shop (uncredited)
1939 Восторг идиота Fifth Avenue Mounted Cop
1939 Невидимые полосы Policeman Outside Bank (uncredited)
1939 Друзья и враги Америки Axel (uncredited)
1939 Off the Record Policeman (uncredited)
1939 On Dress Parade Paddy - Policeman (uncredited)
1939 One Hour To Live Fats Monoham
1939 Pacific Liner Olaf
1939 Sudden Money Cop
1939 Sued for Libel Jerome Walsh
1939 The Day the Bookies Wept Motor Cop (uncredited)
1939 The House of Fear Policeman
1939 The Lady and the Mob Policeman Riley
1939 Ревущие двадцатые, или Судьба солдата в Америке Gangster (uncredited)
1939 The Secret of Dr. Kildare Policeman on Gaylor Ave. (uncredited)
1939 The Spellbinder Club 88 Doorman (Uncredited)
1939 They Shall Have Music Policeman in Rain (uncredited)
1939 Tiny Troubles Officer Clancy
1939 Twelve Crowded Hours Doorkeeper (uncredited)
1939 Юнион Пасифик Foreman (uncredited)
1939 Winter Carnival Williams - Editor
1938 Arson Racket Squad Chief J.P. Riley
1938 Blondie Police Desk Sergeant (uncredited)
1938 Call of The Yukon Swenson
1938 Доктор Ритм Sgt. Olson (uncredited)
1938 Girls on Probation Officer Craig
1938 Я – это закон Detective Brophy (uncredited)
1938 King of Alcatraz Olaf
1938 Сумасшедшая мисс Ментон Doorman (uncredited)