Jайце Саллоум

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Место рождения: -
  • Фильмы: 9
  • Imdb: Jayce Salloum

Jайце Саллоум

Jayce Salloum



Лучшие фильмы

مقدمة لنهايات جدال

untitled part 4: terra (in)cognita

untitled part 3a: occupied territories


2020 Untitled Part 9: This Time
2003 untitled part 1: everything and nothing
2003 untitled part 3b: (as if) beauty never ends..
1994 This is Not Beirut (There was and there was not)
1993 طالعين عالجنوب
1990 مقدمة لنهايات جدال
1988 Once you’ve shot the gun you can’t stop the bullet.
1987 The Ascent of Man
1990 مقدمة لنهايات جدال