Арманд 'Цурлй' Wригхт

Арманд 'Цурлй' Wригхт

Armand 'Curly' Wright

Лучшие фильмы

Быть или не быть

Крайний срок – на рассвете

Big Brown Eyes

Моя сестра Эйлин

The House Across the Bay

I Live My Life

Великий О’Мэлли

East of the River


1946 Крайний срок – на рассвете Fruit Peddler (uncredited)
1942 Four Jacks and a Jill Hot Dog Vendor (uncredited)
1942 Моя сестра Эйлин Strawberry Vendor (uncredited)
1942 Быть или не быть Makeup Man (uncredited)
1941 I'll Fix It Gardener
1940 East of the River Bruno (uncredited)
1940 The House Across the Bay Barber
1938 Exposed Photographer
1938 Panamint's Bad Man Enrico Nicola
1938 Девушка Золотого Запада Renegade in Prologue
1937 Великий О’Мэлли Vegetable Peddler (uncredited)
1936 Big Brown Eyes Barber (uncredited)
1936 Grandma's Buoys Senor Martinez
1936 Palm Springs Greek
1935 I Live My Life Greek Merchant (Uncredited)
1935 In Love at 40 Louie Balucci - the Barber
1933 Sailor's Luck Angelo