Вестер Пегг

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Родился: 22-05-1887
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умер: 19-02-1951 (64 года)
  • Фильмы: 65
  • Imdb: Vester Pegg

Вестер Пегг

Vester Pegg



Лучшие фильмы



3 Bad Men

My Little Chickadee

Bucking Broadway

Пароход, плывущий по течению

Straight Shooting

Hell Bent


1941 Sheriff of Tombstone Henchman
1940 Colorado Sam Smith - Henchman
1940 My Little Chickadee Gambler (uncredited)
1940 The Ranger and the Lady Freighter
1940 Under Texas Skies Henchman
1940 West of Abilene Kennedy
1939 Frontier Pony Express Henchman Doyle
1939 Дилижанс Hank Plummer (uncredited)
1937 Уэллс Фарго Fargo Rider
1937 Wild and Woolly Man on Street (uncredited)
1935 Carnival Small Town Man
1935 Пароход, плывущий по течению Mink
1934 Elinor Norton Ranch Hand
1926 3 Bad Men Henchman Shooting Lucas
1926 Bucking the Truth Sheriff Findlay
1926 Man of the Forest Moses
1926 The Flying Horseman Henchman
1925 Tearin' Loose Jim
1925 The Hurricane Horseman Jim Marden
1923 Canyon of the Fools Knute
1922 The Kickback Ramon Pinellos
1921 The Fighting Stranger Joe Kilburn
1921 The Last Chance Black Sparr
1921 The Raiders Bob Thiele
1921 The Struggle Diamond Joe
1920 The Galloping Devil Pink
1920 Vanishing Trails Rankin
1919 Bare Fists Lopez
1919 Brother Bill Nate Salisbury
1919 Rider of the Law Nick Kyneton
1919 The Ace of the Saddle Gambler
1919 The Desert Rat Brazos Pete
1919 The Two Doyles Sheriff Owens
1919 The Uphill Climb Dick Weston
1919 Vengeance and the Girl Black Arno
1918 A Woman's Fool Tommy Lusk
1918 Hell Bent Jack Thurston
1918 The Phantom Riders The Unknown
1918 The Scarlet Drop Captain Marley Calvert
1918 Thieves' Gold Curt
1918 Wild Women Pegg
1917 A 44-Calibre Mystery Pete McGuire
1917 A Marked Man Ben Kent
1917 Blood Money Bud Cameron
1917 Bucking Broadway Eugene Thornton
1917 Cheyenne's Pal Cowboy
1917 Goin' Straight Pinnacle Bill
1917 Hair-Trigger Burke Bill
1917 Straight Shooting Placer Fremont
1917 The Almost Good Man Pete Willis
1917 The Bad Man of Cheyenne Vesta
1917 The Fighting Gringo Pedro
1917 The Golden Bullet Dick Henderson, alias Rogue River Charlie
1917 The Secret Man Bill, the Sheriff
1917 The Soul Herder Topeka Jack
1917 The Wrong Man Chip Stevens
1916 Нетерпимость Extra (uncredited)
1915 His Lesson Jimmie the Dip
1915 The Lucky Transfer Clerk
1915 The Pretender Eric Eccles
1914 The Joke on Yellentown Pete of the Bar X Ranch
1914 The Sheriff's Prisoner Burns - the Outlaw
1914 The Tavern of Tragedy Maximilio Corto
1914 Their First Acquaintance Burley - a tramp
1914 They Never Knew Ben Wilson