Миллард К. Wилсон

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Родился: 05-04-1890
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умер: 05-10-1933 (43 года)
  • Фильмы: 22
  • Imdb: Millard K. Wilson

Миллард К. Wилсон

Millard K. Wilson



Лучшие фильмы

Mr. Wu

Скажите это морякам

Hell Bent

The Ghost of the Canyon

A Woman's Fool

The Scarlet Drop

Thieves' Gold


1930 The Costello Case Henderson
1926 Скажите это морякам Fight Referee
1920 The Ghost of the Canyon Tom Forrest
1918 A Woman's Fool "The Virginian"
1918 Hell Bent Undetermined Role
1918 Play Straight or Fight Jim Carter
1918 The Branded Man Jim Calvert
1918 The Human Target Prince Oscar
1918 The Scarlet Drop Graham Lyons
1917 Fighting Mad Frank Baxter (as M.K. Wilson)
1917 The Field of Honor George Baring (as M.K. Wilson)
1917 The Flower of Doom Harvey Pearson
1917 The Hero of the Hour Mexican (as M.K. Wilson)
1917 The Pulse of Life Stanford Graham
1915 A Mother's Atonement John
1915 The Millionaire Paupers George
1915 The Source of Happiness Frederick Rodd - Jonathan's Son
1915 Their Golden Wedding The Stage Manager
1915 Vagabond Love Marjorie's Husband - the Rich Mercahnt
1914 The Oubliette Philip de Soisson
1927 Mr. Wu
1925 The Limited Mail