Jамес Парротт

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Родился: 01-08-1897
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умер: 10-05-1939 (42 года)
  • Фильмы: 133
  • Imdb: James Parrott

Jамес Парротт

James Parrott



Лучшие фильмы

Музыкальная шкатулка

Путь с Запада



Простите нас

Окружная больница

Швейцарская мисс

Чудесный день


1930 The King Minor Role (uncredited)
1926 Between Meals In Trouble
1926 Don't Butt In The Roustabout
1926 Soft Pedal Willing
1925 Are Parents Pickles? Fire Salesman
1925 The Caretaker's Daughter The Caretaker (as Jimmie Parrott)
1924 Get Busy Taller pal
1924 Sittin' Pretty Bearded Lunatic
1923 Dear Ol' Pal Lucian Dillgiggle
1923 Jailed and Bailed Paul (as Paul Parrott)
1923 Join the Circus Trainer
1923 Post No Bills The Bill Poster
1923 Take the Air Iron-worker
1923 The Uncovered Wagon Bill Bunion
1923 Tight Shoes The New Clerk
1922 Harvest Hands The Son
1922 Shine 'Em Up Paul, the Hustler
1922 Shiver and Shake The Newlywed Husband
1922 Take Next Car Chief Engineer
1922 The Golf Bug Paul
1922 The Sleuth Bellboy / the Sleuth
1922 Touch all the Bases Paul Parrott
1920 Don't Park Here A Car Owner
1919 A Sammy in Siberia (uncredited)
1919 An Auto Nut The Auto Nut's Lawyer (as Paul Parrott)
1919 Don't Shove Party Guest
1919 Hustling for Health Man missing his train
1919 Young Mr. Jazz (uncredited)
1918 Куда глаза глядят Waiter / chef assistant
1918 Look Pleasant, Please Drunken Swell (uncredited)
2002 Laurel & Hardy - Highlights
1935 Do Your Stuff
1935 Sing Sister Sing
1935 The Misses Stooge
1935 The Tin Man
1935 Treasure Blues
1934 A Duke for a Day
1934 Benny, from Panama
1934 Mixed Nuts
1934 Opened by Mistake
1934 Весёлая стирка
1933 Дважды два
1932 Окружная больница
1932 Girl Grief
1932 Helpmates
1932 Mr. Bride
1932 Now We'll Tell One
1932 The Chimp
1932 Музыкальная шкатулка
1932 Young Ironsides
1931 La señorita de Chicago
1931 Monerías
1931 One of the Smiths
1931 Простите нас
1931 Rough Seas
1931 Skip the Maloo!
1931 Spuk um Mitternacht
1931 The Panic Is On
1931 The Pip from Pittsburg
1931 What a Bozo!
1930 Еще одно чудесненькое дельце
1930 Ниже нуля
1930 Blotto
1930 Brats
1930 Во что бы то ни стало!
1930 La vida nocturna
1930 Ladrones
1930 Ночные воришки
1930 Noche de duendes
1930 Лорел и Харди: Дело об убийстве
1930 Дрожи и думай
1929 Furnace Trouble
1929 Lesson No. 1
1929 Чудесный день
1929 Ruby Lips
1929 Stewed, Fried and Boiled
1929 Каторга
1929 Они наводят шороху!
1928 All for Nothing
1928 Chasing Husbands
1928 Хабеас Корпус, или Доставка тела
1928 Женатые мужчины должны оставаться дома?
1928 В щекотливом положении
1928 Два моряка
1927 A One Mama Man
1927 Are Brunettes Safe?
1927 Assistant Wives
1927 Bigger and Better Blondes
1927 Fluttering Hearts
1927 Forgotten Sweeties
1927 Many Scrappy Returns
1927 Never the Dames Shall Meet
1927 Now I'll Tell One
1927 The Lighter That Failed
1927 The Sting of Stings
1927 Us
1927 What Women Did for Me
1926 On the Front Page
1926 There Ain't No Santa Claus
1925 Should Sailors Marry?
1924 Don't Forget
1924 Hard Knocks
1924 Just a Minute
1924 Love's Detour
1924 Powder and Smoke
1924 The 'Fraidy Cat
1921 The Pickaninny
1938 Тупоголовые
1938 Швейцарская мисс
1937 Путь с Запада
1933 The Midnight Patrol
1933 Дважды два
1932 Helpmates
1932 The Chimp
1932 Музыкальная шкатулка
1932 Their First Mistake
1931 Come Clean
1931 Долг платежом красен
1930 Brats
1930 Во что бы то ни стало!
1928 Женатые мужчины должны оставаться дома?
1926 А вот и тетушка!
1926 Get 'Em Young
1926 On the Front Page
1926 Say It with Babies
1926 Wandering Papas
1926 Wise Guys Prefer Brunettes
1925 Chasing the Chaser
1925 Unfriendly Enemies
1924 Don't Forget
1924 Hard Knocks
1924 Just a Minute
1924 Powder and Smoke