Ц.J. Wиллиамс

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Родился: 23-07-1858
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умер: 26-01-1945 (87 лет)
  • Фильмы: 24
  • Imdb: C.J. Williams

Ц.J. Wиллиамс

C.J. Williams



Лучшие фильмы

A Serenade by Proxy

All on Account of a Transfer

The Poor Rich Man

The Origin of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata

Cabman Kate

Everything Comes to Him Who Waits

Over the Back Fence


1918 The Poor Rich Man James Carter
1909 The Origin of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata Ludwig Van Beethoven
1916 Kernel Nutt and High Shoes
1916 Mr. Jack Ducks the Alimony
1916 Mr. Jack Trifles
1916 Mr. Jack, the Hash Magnate
1916 The Little Trespasser
1915 Cabman Kate
1915 The Lady of Shalott
1913 A Letter to Uncle Sam
1913 A Serenade by Proxy
1913 All on Account of a Transfer
1913 Caste
1913 How They Outwitted Father
1913 Over the Back Fence
1913 The Right Number, But the Wrong House
1913 The Title Cure
1912 A Proposal Under Difficulties
1912 A Thrilling Rescue by Uncle Mun
1912 An Old Fashioned Elopement
1912 Bringing Home the Pup
1912 Everything Comes to Him Who Waits
1912 How a Horseshoe Upset a Happy Family
1912 The Totville Eye