Дицк Цруиксханкс

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Родился: 01-01-1874
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умер: 27-03-1947 (73 года)
  • Фильмы: 35
  • Imdb: Dick Cruikshanks

Дицк Цруиксханкс

Dick Cruikshanks



Лучшие фильмы

De Voortrekkers


1923 The Blue Lagoon Paddy Button
1923 The Reef of Stars Captain Hull
1922 The Vulture's Prey Detective Savage
1920 Prester John Peter Japp
1920 The Man Who Was Afraid Captain (Holy Joe) Robinson
1919 Fallen Leaves Meda's Father
1918 Bond and Word Word
1917 A Border Scourge George Thorneycroft
1917 And Then --- Old Actor / Tom Travers / 'Sweater'
1917 Sonny's Little Bit Schmidt
1916 A Zulu's Devotion Tremayne
1916 De Voortrekkers Piet Retief
1916 Gloria Dutoit
1916 The Illicit Liquor Seller Martin Cornelius
1916 The Silver Wolf Sir Robert Maitland
1916 The Splendid Waster Thomas Nevins
1916 The Water Cure Magistrate
1923 The Blue Lagoon
1922 The Vulture's Prey
1920 Prester John
1919 Fallen Leaves
1919 With Edged Tools
1918 Bond and Word
1918 Symbol of Sacrifice
1918 The Bridge
1917 And Then ---
1917 The Mealie Kids
1917 The Piccanin's Christmas
1917 Zulu-Town-Comedies
1923 The Blue Lagoon
1920 Prester John
1919 Fallen Leaves
1918 Bond and Word
1917 And Then ---
1917 The Piccanin's Christmas