Динах Цзезик-Мüллер

Динах Цзезик-Мüллер

Dinah Czezik-Müller

Лучшие фильмы

Братья ветра

David Attenborough's Tasmania


Pumas: Legends of the Ice Mountains

Sex, Lies and Butterflies

Yours in Freedom, Bill Baird

Siberian Tiger Quest

Wild Lapland


2023 Yours in Freedom, Bill Baird
2021 Pumas: Legends of the Ice Mountains
2020 Wild Lapland
2019 Уотсон
2018 David Attenborough's Tasmania
2018 Sex, Lies and Butterflies
2015 Братья ветра
2014 Invasion of the Killer Whales
2013 Nature: Great Zebra Exodus
2012 Siberian Tiger Quest