Wиллиам Аддисон Латхроп

Wиллиам Аддисон Латхроп

William Addison Lathrop



Лучшие фильмы

The Innocence of Ruth

Cabman Kate

Man's Woman

The Undercurrent

Millionaire for a Day

The Man of the Desert

Beyond the Law


1921 Millionaire for a Day
1919 The Undercurrent
1918 Beyond the Law
1918 The Seal of Silence
1917 Man's Woman
1917 The Tell-Tale Step
1916 The Innocence of Ruth
1916 The Man of the Desert
1916 The Strength of the Weak
1915 Cabman Kate
1915 Mother's Roses
1915 The Truth About Helen
1915 Under Southern Skies
1914 The Violin of M'sieur