Франкие Манн

  • Пол: женщина
  • Родилась: 03-07-1892
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умерла: 23-06-1969 (77 лет)
  • Фильмы: 36
  • Imdb: Frankie Mann

Франкие Манн

Frankie Mann

Лучшие фильмы

The Evangelist


1925 Barriers Burned Away Kitty
1924 On Time Mrs. Spinks
1924 The Fortieth Door Jimmy Jeffries
1922 John Smith Maid
1922 Shadows of the Sea Molly
1922 Unconquered Woman Millicent
1921 The Passionate Pilgrim Marjorie Daw
1920 The Place of Honeymoons Celeste Furnier
1920 Trailed by Three Jane Creighton
1919 Fortune's Child Mrs. Wynne
1919 The Water Lily Evelyn Carlisle
1916 Her Surrender Clarice Lee
1916 The Sex Lure Rose Bernton
1916 The Shielding Shadow The Cabaret Singer
1915 Her Mother's Secret Betty Rand
1915 The Climbers Jessie Hunter
1915 The Great Ruby Brenda Elsmere
1915 The Gypsy Trail Jane
1915 The Sporting Duchess Annette Donnelly
1915 The Winthrop Diamonds Countess Dacre
1915 Youth Ione
1914 Love's Long Lane Maisie
1914 Marah, the Pythoness Jeanne Druce
1914 Officer Jim The Maid
1914 The Crowning Glory Joy Ormison
1914 The House Next Door Esther Jacobson
1914 Through Fire to Fortune Postmistress
1913 A Slight Mistake The Downstairs Neighbor's Wife
1913 In the Toils The Country Girl
1913 Nearly in Mourning Mollie Kelly - Clarence's Wife
1913 The Battle of Shiloh Bessie Caxton
1913 The Double Chase Madge
1913 The Fiancee and the Fairy Helen Thorpe
1913 The Missing Jewels Violet - a Stenographer
1913 The Special Officer Miss Gage - Bob's Sweetheart
1913 The Waiter's Strategy Mabel