Jефф Алеxандер

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Место рождения: -
  • Фильмы: 7
  • Imdb: Jeff Alexander

Jефф Алеxандер

Jeff Alexander



Лучшие фильмы

The House of Seven Corpses

Horror High

Zontar: The Thing from Venus

Curse of the Swamp Creature

The Black Cat


A Bullet for Pretty Boy

Hell Raiders


2001 Macbeth Soldier
1974 The House of Seven Corpses Russell Beal
1973 Horror High Mr. Griggs
1970 A Bullet for Pretty Boy Wallace
1969 Hell Raiders German Captain
1968 Curse of the Swamp Creature Dr. Simond Trent
1967 Zontar: The Thing from Venus Rocket Scientist at Zone 6