Пеарл Синделар

  • Пол: женщина
  • Родилась: 05-02-1887
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умерла: 09-07-1958 (71 год)
  • Фильмы: 11
  • Imdb: Pearl Sindelar

Пеарл Синделар

Pearl Sindelar



Лучшие фильмы


Detective Craig's Coup

Pied Piper Malone


1928 The Four-Footed Ranger Mary Doolittle
1927 A Made-To-Order Hero Aunt Saphronia
1924 Pied Piper Malone Malone Sister
1923 The Glimpses of the Moon Grace Fulmer
1914 A Leech of Industry Margaret Wright
1914 Detective Craig's Coup Mae Edwards
1914 The Second Generation Hazel Hamilton - the Evil Influence
1913 The Depth of Hate Mrs. Melvina Jenkins, The Owner of the Estate
1913 The Wrong Bottle The Younger Sister
1913 Two Mothers Mrs. Blake, The Foster Mother
1912 Клеопатра Iras, Attendant to the Queen