Цхарлес Р. Рогерс

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Родился: 15-07-1892
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умер: 29-03-1957 (65 лет)
  • Фильмы: 50
  • Imdb: Charles R. Rogers

Цхарлес Р. Рогерс

Charles R. Rogers



Лучшие фильмы

Мой слуга Годфри

Angel on My Shoulder

Три милые девушки

The Rage of Paris


The Fabulous Dorseys

You're a Sweetheart

Lady with a Past


1947 The Fabulous Dorseys
1946 Angel on My Shoulder
1945 Delightfully Dangerous
1944 Song of the Open Road
1943 The Powers Girl
1941 Adventure in Washington
1941 She Knew All the Answers
1939 The Star Maker
1938 The Rage of Paris
1937 As Good as Married
1937 Hold 'Em Navy
1937 Wings Over Honolulu
1937 You're a Sweetheart
1936 Мой слуга Годфри
1936 Мой слуга Годфри
1936 Postal Inspector
1936 The Luckiest Girl in the World
1936 The Magnificent Brute
1936 Три милые девушки
1936 Two in a Crowd
1935 Hold 'Em Yale
1934 She Made Her Bed
1933 Girl Without a Room
1933 I Love That Man
1933 Sitting Pretty
1933 Strictly Personal
1932 A Woman Commands
1932 Lady with a Past
1932 Madison Square Garden
1932 Panama Flo
1932 The Devil Is Driving
1931 A Woman of Experience
1931 Devotion
1931 Millie
1931 Rebound
1931 Suicide Fleet
1931 The Big Gamble
1931 The Big Shot
1929 Cheyenne
1929 The California Mail
1929 The Lawless Legion
1929 The Royal Rider
1928 The Shepherd of the Hills
1928 The Wagon Show
1927 Smile, Brother, Smile
1927 The Red Raiders
1961 Three on a Spree
1927 The Devil's Saddle