Фред Емней

  • Пол: мужчина
  • Родился: 11-02-1900
  • Место рождения: -
  • Умер: 25-12-1980 (80 лет)
  • Фильмы: 27
  • Imdb: Fred Emney

Фред Емней

Fred Emney



Лучшие фильмы

Ограбление по-итальянски


Воздушные приключения

Быстрая леди

Adventures of a Private Eye

Father Came Too!

San Ferry Ann

The Sandwich Man


1977 Adventures of a Private Eye Sir Basil
1970 Доктор в ловушке Father
1970 Under the Table You Must Go Self
1969 Ограбление по-итальянски Birkinshaw
1968 Оливер! Chairman - Workhouse
1966 The Sandwich Man Sir Arthur Moleskin
1965 I've Gotta Horse Lord Bentley
1965 San Ferry Ann Gourmet
1965 Воздушные приключения Colonel on Road
1964 A Home of Your Own The Mayor
1964 Father Came Too! Sir Francis Drake
1962 Быстрая леди 1st Golfer
1955 Fun at St. Fanny's Dr. Septimus Jankers
1942 Let the People Sing Sir George Denberry-Baxter
1940 Just William Mr. Brown
1940 The Middle Watch Adm. Sir Reginald Hewett
1939 Just like a Woman Sir Charles Devoir
1939 She Couldn't Say No Herbert
1938 Hold My Hand Lord Milchester
1938 Jane Steps Out General Wilton
1938 Luck of the Navy Cook
1938 Yes, Madam? Sir Charles Drake-Drake
1937 Let's Make a Night of It Henry Boydell
1937 The Lilac Domino Baron Ladislas de Gonda
1935 Brewster's Millions Freddy
1935 Come Out of the Pantry Marquis of Axminster