Паровоз Генерал

The General

Behind the Front

Behind the Front

Datorie și sacrificiu

Datorie și sacrificiu

Midnight Lovers

Midnight Lovers

Mare Nostrum

Mare Nostrum

The Greater Glory

The Greater Glory

Die versunkene Flotte

Die versunkene Flotte

The Better 'Ole

The Better 'Ole

Across the Pacific

Across the Pacific

What Price Glory

What Price Glory

My Official Wife

My Official Wife

Irish Destiny

Irish Destiny

Švejk na frontě

Švejk na frontě

The Whole Town's Talking

The Whole Town's Talking

Fänrik Ståls sägner

Fänrik Ståls sägner

The Sporting Lover

The Sporting Lover

The Unknown Soldier

The Unknown Soldier

